About us
Peace and Justice Alliance (PJA) is a Toronto, Canada based non-profit, non-governmental civic movement. Our organization dedicated to protection and promotion of human rights, human dignity, civil, fundamental rights, good governance, social justice, rule of law, tolerance, democracy , freedom throughout the world – with particular emphasis on corruption, inequality, harassment, hate crime, discrimination, protect minorities, conflict zones, people denied and neglected by own country, people under colonial and foreign domination and alien subjugation. The organization works on issues of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights mainly focuses on conflict prevention and peace building. More importantly, PJA serves as a bridge between local peace builders and multilateral organisations, global community, worldwide NGOs and individuals willing to contribute to peace building efforts.
The PEACE AND JUSTICE ALLIANCE adheres to the following values and principles in all its activities:
• Constructive criticism
• Fairness
• Justice
• Transparency
• Equality and equity
• Accountability and responsibility
• Respect and tolerance
• Self-reliance and solidarity
• Non-violence
Peace And Justice Alliance for Democracy and Human Right is an non-profit civic movement. It is founded in 2013 by MOHAMMED MOMINUL HAQUE in CANADA in response to the absence of civil and democratic rights of citizens and lack of rule of law in BANGLADESH.
HAQUE established this organization in 2013. The organization was first imagined by its founder’s thought about to do something for the human, after he got heart attack on 2010 and survive, feels about his back home county disadvantage and victims peoples.. His efforts to educate grassroots peoples about their rights in country encourage them to involve in society to help each other to promote and protect everyone rights. In own country and around the world.
The Peace And Justice Alliance believes that a sustainable democracy, rule of law and respect of human and democratic rights can only be achieved through non-violent, positive reform based on full comprehension, awareness and participation of the general public. It mobilize public join their efforts in order to realize their dreams of sustainable democracy and lasting peace in Bangladesh, Canada, North America and around the World.
The principal objectives of PEACE AND JUSTICE ALLIANCE are to:
• Advance the establishment of constitutional democratic dispensation in around world through non-violent means; stand for the protection of the fundamental rights of all global citizens, such as the freedom of conscience, expression, association and assembly;
• Advocate for the release of all global citizens prisoners of conscience, document and litigate any abuse of human rights or crimes against humanity perpetrated by governments, organizations, individuals and others;
• Mobilize all global citizens to take agency in effecting democratic change in their country; organize peaceful protest demonstration and civil disobedience; Mobilize global citizens living inside and outside of the country for the accomplishment of the Movement’s mission;
• Initiate and conduct public dialogues, discussions and debates on relevant issues to advance public education about all aspects of democratic rights and systems; publish important research papers on democracy and human rights with the aim of promoting peace and reconciliation in global citizens;
• Closely follow and collaborate with other international organizations to advocate the safety and security of global citizens all over the world;
• Assist global citizens outside their country with legal asylum processes, education opportunities, and access and provisions of other social services;
• Establish relations with national and international organizations, governments, global leaders, public representative, non-Governmental Organizations, and prominent individuals in order to mobilize support to accomplish the mission of the Movement.
• Promote the establishment of associations such as women, youth, and business, professional and social groups; promote cultural values of the respective communities .
Our Mission and Vision
Peace and Justice Alliance is a collective initiative of policy researchers, advocates and academicians committed to democracy, human and civil rights, social justice, equality, press freedom1 and equitable development of society or the nation.
Peace and Justice Alliance is the eternal desire of human civilization, and it is our firm conviction that nothing is more valuable than freedom of rights.
Thus, the mission of this organization is to work, in whatever way possible, to safeguard the fundamental rights of citizens in full adherence to modern democratic norms and values.
The organization believes that ideal democracy would not be a far cry if people, especially professionals with knowledge, skill and zeal come together to work for the progress of the nation. This organization has come into being with the aim and vision of making sincere and collective efforts towards the resolution of conflict, restoration of peace and establishment of an ‘inclusive’ democracy in Bangladesh and world beyond. For this freedom of expression, assembly, association, human rights and civil liberty are quite essential.
How you can contribute or involve?
How you can get involved People support us in many different ways.
Here are just a few ideas:
• Come to our meetings and get involved in our campaigns
• Help out on a street stall
• Volunteer with our activities to educate, support, promote and protect human and civil rights
• Organise an campaign, event or stall in your community, college, workplace, clubs, organizations etc. (We can help you with this)
• Support and help us to publicise our talks and film evenings
• Write letters to local and national press and our elected representatives
• Write an article for our newsletter
• Put on a benefit gig to raise funds for the group
• Join one of our e-mail lists
(peaceandjusticealliance@hotmail.ca or peaceandjusticealliance@gmail.com )
• Make a donation
• Tell other people about our work and about this website
We share you voices in right way.
Peace and Justice Alliance
Peace and Justice Alliance is a non-profit, non-governmental civil society organization.
Toronto, ON, Canada
Tel: +1 (647) 764-2880
Tel: 1-917-231-0960
Email: peaceandjusticealliance@gmail.com
Web: www.peaceandjusticealliance.ca
© 2017 Peace and Justice Alliance.