Peace and Justice Alliance
If you want peace work for justice
Peace and Justice Alliance
Peace and Justice Alliance (PJA) is a Toronto, Canada based non-profit, non-governmental civic movement. Our organization dedicated to protection and promotion of human rights, human dignity, civil, fundamental rights, good governance, social justice, rule of law, tolerance, democracy, freedom throughout the world – with particular emphasis on corruption, inequality, harassment, hate crime, discrimination, protect minorities, conflict zones, people denied and neglected by own country, people under colonial and foreign domination and alien subjugation.

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights is nearly 70 years old. The idea behind it, however, is much older. But what has mankind made of these high ideals? Have the 30(thirty) articles of the charter been implemented?

Everyone has the right to life, liberty, and security, and the right to freedom of thought, conscience, and religion. There are a total of 30 Articles with carefully chosen wording to reflect the serious nature of the content.

More importantly, PJA serves as a bridge between local peace builders and multilateral organisations, global community, worldwide NGOs and individuals willing to contribute to peace building efforts
The vision of the organization is a free, justice, democratic, peaceful and prosperous world that values and protects the rights and equality of its citizens and everyone who lives in it.
Mission reality
The mission of our organization is to defend and promote the values of civil, fundamental and human rights, as established in relevant international instruments and covenants, and advance democratic change, rule of law and constitutionalism in around world with the ultimate aim of building a society in which citizens exercise their basic rights and live in peace, dignity and prosperity.
How we work?
There is strength and solidarity in working together and having a collective voice on issues where we share common ground.
Help out on a street stall
Volunteer with our activities to educate, support, promote and protect human and civil rights
Organise an campaign, event or stall in your community, college, workplace, clubs, organizations etc. (We can help you with this)
Write letters to local and national press and our elected representatives
Write an article for our newsletter
Write letters to local and national press and our elected representatives
Join one of our e-mail lists ( or )
Tell other people about our work and about this website
Make a donation
We share you voices in right way.
Peace and Justice Alliance
Peace and Justice Alliance is a non-profit, non-governmental civil society organization.
Toronto, ON, Canada
Tel: +1 (647) 764-2880
Tel: 1-917-231-0960
© 2017 Peace and Justice Alliance.