We need to bring your attention that

  • Bangladesh constitutes inclusion of Non-political Caretaker Government: to free and fair election and democracy resulted from an election in 1991 under a unique system, namely Non-political Caretaker Government. The caretaker Government of election oversight was formally set up in the lead upto the 1996 election as a way to prevent rigging by the ruling party, which would cede its power to the chief justice 90 days before an election to ensure an impartial contest. This Caretaker or Neutral system of government took a better shape through constitutional modifications. This very innovative system of government ensured three general elections, which were accorded overwhelming appreciation home and abroad;
  • The seventh and eighth parliamentary elections were held peacefully under the supervision of non-party caretaker government;
  • In 2009, present ruling party Awami League with the assistance of army back emergency government assuming the state power, In 2011 the present PM sheik Hasina to keep her power decided to change the care taker government of system without taken any public or other political party consent, they unilaterally changed the constitution and abolished the non-political caretaker government electoral system.
  • On 5th January, 2014, the 10th General Election paved the way for present ruling party Govt. to have a walkover win in the election as major opposition parties did not take part in the polls hence total 153 out of 300 candidates in the parliament of which mostly from the ruling Awami League MPs were elected uncontested and the election was sweeping win by the ruling party! (The New Age, January 8, 2014, Dhaka).
  • After the election of 2008, the people of Bangladesh dreamt of a democracy where citizens will be allowed to practice their democratic, fundamental rights. Irony of fate, the government which was formed after the election by ruling Awami League has denied the citizens from every single democratic, civil and human right gradually ;
  • Extrajudicial Killings, Arbitrary Arrests, Enforced Disappearances and Torture in Bangladesh since 2009
  • DURING 2010-2017 :
  • The incidents of extrajudicial killings and enforced disappearances turned epidemic. According to the human rights organizations about 574 deaths occurred in police custody, 349 deaths occurred in prison. Most of the deaths were allegedly the result of sever torture.
  • Local media, civil society organizations, reports that the government, and Combined security units consisting of RAB members were responsible for 255 abductions while Police and its affiliated body Detective Branch, PBI were involved in 306 enforced disappearances cases.
  • Law enforcement members were responsible for 540 extra judicial deaths and secret killing, 250 of which were attributed to crossfire incidents across the country.
  • Since 2009, Bangladesh has witnessed a spate of grisly attacks targeting LGBT activists, secular intellectuals, atheists, and religious minorities, with dozens killed;
  • No formal investigation of the cases has taken place. Instead, arbitrary arrests, cross fire(secret killings) were carried out as part of mass “anti-militant drive.” Critics says its creates arrest business among law enforcement agencies; also another techniques to control opposition;
  • A total of 284 people had gone missing mysteriously or were allegedly abducted between June 2014 and July 2017, according to local NGO.
  • The bodies of 44 of them were recovered, 36 were shown arrested, and 27 returned.
  • And the fate of 177 others remains unknown.
  • The victims’ relatives said that some unknown persons identifying themselves as members of law enforcing agencies Those who returned said they were forced to get into microbuses and taken to unknown places. They, however, didn’t give details. “Families are scared to talk about it because other members of the family may suffer the consequences,”
  • http://en.prothom-alo.com/bangladesh/news/152899/All-remain-silent-after-%E2%80%98rescue%E2%80%99
  • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q-N30S72-50
  • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q-N30S72-50
  • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zZwhIl6TK-s
  • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DtzZ_MgvKL4
  • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g8kebz8vKiM
  • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fdr9DadLuOg
  • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AZ_oQ67U6LY

Since January 2018 civil rights activists and opponents in claiming there are following evidence that how Bangladesh Govt. abusing judicial system and law enforcement agencies to keep in power :

On February 8, 2018 – Bangladesh’s main opposition leader and the 3-times former Prime Minister, Begum Khaleda Zia (Bangladesh peoples call her Mother of Democracy) was imprisoned for 5 years by a special Dhaka court on 8th February 2018 in a government-plotted false and fabricated graft case. BNP officials and attorneys claimed that the present regime concocted the case of Zia to barred her from running in the next national elections, fund of the trust, named in her husband President Ziaur Rahman who declared independence of Bangladesh in 1971, was a grant from the Emir of Kuwait. It is still in the bank account of the trust and the amount became triple with interest over the period , rights groups expressing that Govt. nakedly controlling judicial system against opponents to get neutral justice. According to Bangladesh source that at present she is in isolate prions and suffering serious illness, Govt. not providing her treatment to cure.https://thewire.in/224433/khaleda-zia-conviction-bangladesh-bnp-awami-league/

Media reports indicate that since February 8, 2018 to present over 15000 thousands opposition and civil rights activists have been detained ahead of a general election,

Dhaka-based rights group said Now every day law enforcement agencies doing mass arrest and giving politically motivated cases against opponents, Prisons in Bangladesh have become extremely overcrowded due to the mass arrest;


Bangladesh has seen violent confrontations between political activists and security forces in the past resulting in many deaths. The law enforcement agencies have often been accused of using excessive and indiscriminate force to contain political protests

Bangladesh must stop arbitrary arrests and detentions of opposition and civil rights activists





On June 26, 2018  law enforcers swooped on Mizanur’s(a political & civil rights activist) house and took him away around 3am by breaking open the door, reports UNB agencies picked up the victims. daughter Rasmia Amrin Rehman told The Daily Star that detectives had told her to delete some Facebook Live videos she uploaded during her father’s pick up.



https://bdnews24.com/bangladesh/2017/09/25/rohingya-crisis-not-the-time-to-decide-on-official-refugee-status-says-bangladesh ; http://www.abc.net.au/news/2017-09-26/rights-of-rohingya-in-question-bangladesh-myanmar/8987158 ;

Bangladesh present Govt. since 2016 after the new crisis happened in Rakhine State in Myanmar against ROHINGYA present Sk. Hasina Govt. never accepted or given permission ROHINGYA to enter Bangladesh, at the beginning August, 2017, Govt has shut down border, after Ex-prime Minister Begum Khaleda Zia protest and pressure Govt. to provide shelter ROHINGY REFUGESS to survive than Bangladesh start to open the border, in the mean time many ROHINYA’s were died into the NAF river.  September 24, 2017 Bangladesh present Govt. announced that ROHINGYA’s will identify as “forcefully displaced Myanmar citizens”. Not as ROHINGYA REFUGEE.

  • According to the REPATRIATION AGREEMENT of 1978 between Bangladesh and Myanmar(Burma) held in Dacca on 7th – 9th July 1978 HAVE AGREED “The Government of the Socialist Republic of the Union of Burma agrees to the repatriation at the earliest of the lawful residents of Burma; Agreed that ROHINGYA are lawful citizens of Burma.
  • Between 1991 and 1992 again Rohinga refugees flee from Myanmar to Bangladesh; under the 1992 REPATRTION AGREEMENT between Bangladesh and Myanmer Govt. Myanmar again acknowledge that ROHINGYA are lawfully residence of Burma.
  • As long as Myanmar violates its past agreements and the human rights of the ROHINGYA, International community and UN should sanctions, increase economic and diplomatic pressure on the country.



  • Since present Govt. came to power NGO’s activity in Bangladesh is in highly restricted, On 2014 and 2016 Govt of Bangladesh introduced new regulation to control NGO’s activities, NGO’s operating in Bangladesh report long delays and arbitrary refusals at various stage of the approvals process. The NGO affairs Bureau in the Prime Minister office often simply rejects request for registration or project proposals on arbitrary grounds, the new laws restricting the receipt of foreign contributions to NGO’s which hampering disadvantages peoples to get support from NGO to survive. The clause in the law is a way of intimidating NGO’s working on Governance and Human rights. Their main job is to be critical of Government and government bodies when they are not delivering service according to their mandates, and they are supposed to raise a critical when it happens. http://www.loc.gov/law/foreign-news/article/bangladesh-controversial-new-law-regulating-work-and-activities-of-foreign-ngos/
  • http://www.aljazeera.com/news/2016/10/concerns-raised-bangladesh-ngo-law-161020121856969.html;
  • The present government abuses its power to limit and restrict freedom of expression and through its use latest amendment of ICT act in 2013, the ICT granted law enforcers the right to arrest any person without warrant. Moreover, offences under Section 57 were made non-bailable and the maximum penalty was extended to 14-year imprisonment. Fines imposed can reportedly go as high as 10 million taka ($127,000). Critics say the provision effectively muzzles freedom of speech and expression. The law appeared to be part of wider crackdown on free expression in Bangladesh that has in recent years, resulted in the closing down of 35 NEWS paper websites without providing a reason and arrest of journalist , opposite critics and face book activists, under the new information, communication and technology Act 2006. The Govt is also considering enacting two other laws – the digital security Act and The Bangladesh liberation War(Denial, Distortion, Opposition crime law; The democratic space, particularly freedom of expression, is rapidly shrinking in Bangladesh. http://www.dw.com/en/concerns-mount-as-bangladesh-plans-new-anti-cybercrime-law/a-18975791 https://thediplomat.com/2017/07/why-bangladeshs-journalists-live-in-fear/


  • In Bangladesh, radicalization and institutional dysfunction are closely connected. The increasingly authoritarian secular state provides radical Islamists a compelling grievance around which to recruit and mobilize. Political and social alienation have combined with government repression to push marginalized groups to violence. Therefore, efforts to prevent political violence in Bangladesh must target its weak democratic institutions, which foster exclusion, radicalization, and extremism.
  • To prevent violence and extremism in Bangladesh International community, GOVT. OFFICIALS and global leaders need to call on Bangladesh to “Act now to halt an increasing number of torture, extra judicial and secret killing, arbitrary arrest, false cases, illegal imprison, enforced disappearances in the country” AND CREATE ATMOSPHARE FOR INCLUSIVE DEMOCRACY SOON.
  • Our earnestly request TO UN, ALL MEMBER STATE REPRESENTATIVES, INTERNATIONAL COMMUNITY & GOVT. TO BRING IMMEDIATE RESOLUTION on Bangladesh immediately to pressure Bangladesh Govt. which will bring disadvantages peoples rights, justice and protect life’s of vulnerable and victim peoples of Bangladesh and call Bangladesh illegal Govt. to :
  • strengthen Bangladesh’s election institutions, full participation of all parties in elections, free and fair election and enhance political inclusion, people’s power for the restoration of democracy, bringing back voting rights of the people, establishing rule of law and human rights.
  • As long as BNP east while Govt. were able to handle the ROHINGYA crisis peacefully; therefore, International community must involve, take suggestion and experience from Hon. Begum Khaleda Zia, three time Ex-prime Minister of Bangladesh how her Govt. handle the situation on 1978 and 1992;
  • Immediate release of Ex-PM of Bangladesh Begum Khaleda Zia and all other political & civil rights activist from prison
  • strengthen Bangladesh’s election
  • state policy immediately must be the first step; 
  • Political tension in Bangladesh would ease by start immediate political dialogue, restore non political care taker government to conduct neutral, free, fare election, roadmap for a new election within 2018, under UN or neutral non political care taker government ;   


  • Climate of fear, intimidation, and repression must stop; proved social security for all equally;
  • The government must stop arresting other member of thoughts, People in all districts inside and outside Dhaka and must release all those who have been arrested earlier.

  • Allow Freedom of speech, expression, association for public and the Press;


  • Any Truth-and-Reconciliation Commissions must be independent. I believe involvement by International community will create credibility to any commissions;


  • Free all Political Prisoners, Conduct an independent investigation and prosecution, as appropriate, of any officials who have been accused of carrying out activities to restrict the right to freedom of expression or threatening, harassing, or committing violence against public, political, civil and human rights activists;


  • Revise the constitution and laws to ensure that the rights of individuals and organizations to defend and promote democratic, human rights are protected, including the right to peacefully criticize and protest government policies,
  • Uphold the fundamental right to an independent judiciary and public prosecution, and desist from taking any actions that undermine those principles;  
  • Formulate policies that will lead to the implementation of reforms to protect judicial independence from interference by the government and the military.
  • Initiate a process of revising the constitution to ensure that rights and freedoms are protected at all times, including during emergency situations in accordance with international law;


  • Specifically remove exemptions on the rights to freedom of expression, assembly, and association;


  • Bring the constitution, alongside all other national laws, into line with the standards set forth in international human rights law, Universal Declaration of Human Rights, including the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and the International Covenant on Economic, Social, and Cultural Rights.


Many thanks for your time and cooperation.


If you have any question kindly contact with us.



Mohammed Mominul Haque


Founder and Director

Peace And Justice Alliance

Toronto, ON


Tel :  647-764-2880(C)


Email : peaceandjusticealliance@hotmail.ca


twitter:  peace and justice @MMHAQUE2014


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